Heal the Relationship with Your Child

There is nothing more painful than having a fractured relationship with your child. You desperately want to heal the relationship. What are some ways that work to heal the relationship? and what ways do we frequently try that only make it worse? Responsible parenting...

Why is it So Hard to Improve Communication Habits?

Changing a bad communication habit into a more respectful one sometimes seems impossible.  It’s as though a little demon lives in your brain blocking every effort to…lose weight; begin an exercise program; stop sniping at your loved ones; stop procrastinating;...

Resentment and Boundaries

Reasonable boundaries with Enforced Consequences Cures Resentment I felt growing resentment about my son Steve’s collection of junk cars in our back yard.  I was about to learn that reasonable boundaries with enforced consequences cures resentment. THE SOURCE OF...

What Can Gravity Teach us About Relationships?

What Can Gravity Teach us About Relationships? Gravity is Predictable!  So are Relationship Laws! There are natural laws, such as gravity, which we ignore to our peril.  Even if it’s an accident…unintentional…falling from a height such as Half Dome in...