Our family always says “grace” before a meal.  You and I probably won’t be sitting at the same table, but I’d really like to “grace” you with a few blessings from my heart to yours:
Bless you for finding value in my blog… (I assume you wouldn’t read it otherwise.)
Many thanks to those of you who have left encouraging comments…
Thank you for being on this journey of Life with me…
I ADMIRE you for caring about your relationships…
May your celebrations of this Season be filled with Joy, Love and Peace…
May your relationships be mutual expressions of Love…
May the food on your table be scrumptious
May you navigate the holidays in such a way that you feel blessed, rather than stressed…
May you complete whatever journey you are on with Ease…
I so value all the ways you are blessing me!
Sending you a BIG HUG across the ether!
Best wishes, 
Free Download: TRADITIONS: Saying Grace