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Nancy; From Childhood to Relationship Coach

Respect is the Fertilizer for Love

Quilting: Lessons in Marriage

Quilting: Lessons in Marriage

I began sewing as a child making doll clothes. I graduated to human clothing, slip covers, curtains...whatever I needed for myself, my sons and my home. Quilting, however, began as a Pandemic Survival Skill. So far I've made thirty-something quilts. Some were made for...

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Words That Changed My Life

Words That Changed My Life

I'm about to celebrate my eightieth birthday. I know. It's hard to believe! But I have eight decades of living and millions of memories of people, things and words spoken that changed my life. Some of those events were almost unbearably painful. And yet, the pain...

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Listening to Understand Has HUGE Pay-offs!

Listening to Understand Has HUGE Pay-offs!

Showing Empathy Listening to Understand is similar to what is known as Reflective Listening, Mirroring, or Active Listening. What is shared is the practice of repeating back what you've heard the speaker saying. This reassures the speaker that you are, indeed,...

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Beliefs Created Your Current Relationship

Beliefs Created Your Current Relationship

It's Hard to Believe This! I understand that this concept is hard to believe. And yet, it's true. What we believe, even when it's deeply buried and unconscious, causes us only to notice events that support that belief. We only gather evidence that validates our...

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Feelings Create Connection

Feelings Create Connection

The Experience Diagram The Experience Diagram represents the parts that make up the whole of who we all are. Events are facts. Thoughts include perceptions, interpretations, beliefs, and opinions. In our American culture, those two sections of communication are where...

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How Trustworthy Are You?

How Trustworthy Are You?

Respect is built on Trustworthiness. Are you trustworthy? Here are some common ways that you may be losing the trust, and therefore the respect of your loved ones or fellow teammates... Do You Do What You Say? Do you arrive home when you said you would? Are you...

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