Step-by-Step Relationship Rehab in Small Groups
You know your marriage needs help. There are solutions you’ve tried, but fallen short of what you both desire. Maybe you’ve had a comp appointment with me but can’t afford to see me privately. Maybe you’ve tried other solutions that haven’t worked. You’re tired and frustrated.
How about twelve weeks of awesome, powerful content with my almost thirty years of experience coaching in a class format? You share the time and space with three other couples who are also committed to making their marriage the best it can be. Learn step-by-step the communication and conflict management skills that create a great marriage!
It Might Be Too Embarrassing!

I understand. You’re thinking, “Only wierdos on live T.V. want to share their relationship stuff in public.” But here’s what really happens…Someone opens up about their latest stupid fight. You laugh because you’ve had the same stupid fight. Soon you’re all sharing your struggles and are inspired by the improvements you see in each other.
Either in person or online via Zoom. Twelve sessions. Meeting every other week. Begins mid-March. Times to be decided. $2497. Payment Plan Available if you choose Kajabi Pay or Pay Pal.
Sound interesting? Doable? Can you swing it? You’re intrigued…think this might be a good fit for you, (as I think it might!) the answser will be “Yes!” if you’re prepared to learn new ways of communicating and are committed to making whatever changes you need to make in order to create the happy, loving marriage of your dreams. The answer might be “No thanks” if you’re not ready to make personal changes in order to have the marriage you want. Register with this link: Relationship Rehab Class
Step-by-Step Relationship Coaching Certification!
Do You Work in a Holistic Health Field?

You’ve always had a big, caring, empathic heart. It led you into a helping profession of some kind. In your work, your clients/patients share their relationships struggles. You want to help, but feel unqualified. Or maybe you just have a passion for helping marriages succeed. I’m looking for caring individuals who want to help couples achieve the happy marriage they thought they were getting when they said “I do!” The Millionaire Marriage Coach Certification takes you from learning awesome skills to a successful business. Coach training, “done for you” online skills programs, website set up, and building a full clientelle. It’s a “soup to nuts,” step-by-step training.
I have been successfully coaching couples who want their relationship to thrive for almost thirty years. I am the Director of Training. My Director of Business, Kyrstel Doudera, built her coaching practice from scratch until she had to start a waiting list. Through an innovative certification model we can offer this to you for well under $10,000 with certification in less than a year, (assuming our requirements are met.)
Curious? Have Questions? Schedule a Call with Nancy
I’m eager to hear from you for either program!