There is nothing lonelier than feeling emotionally disconnected from your chosen partner in life.  We are hard wired to need emotional connection.
Dr. Brene’ Brown says, “Connection is the energy created when people feel seen, heard and valued.“
So what is it that makes partners who were once in love, feel unseen, unheard and undervalued?
The first few years of my marriage to my late husband, Jim, started out in the typical newlywed euphoria, but soon turned into a black hole of despair as we battled over issues we couldn’t seem to resolve.  After much searching, we finally found a coach who taught us a few basic communication methods (say it this way, not that way) and healthier anger management skills.  We finally found solutions to our issues that delivered to us the peace and renewed loving for which we longed.
We didn’t want other couples to suffer the years of agony we had before finding effective help, so we began teaching classes called, “How to Stay Married & Love It!”  We wanted to stay married, but we wanted to love being married to each other more than we thought our parents had.
I returned to school for my Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology, and then wrote the book, “How to Stay Married & Love It! Solving the Puzzle of a SoulMate Marriage.”  In that book, I listed all the ways Jim and I had communicated (plus others I’d observed in other couples) that created hurt and distance, rather than connection.  That list includes sarcasm, name calling, accusatory “you” statements, interrupting, talking over each other, bringing up a laundry list of complaints, and many more.
Recovering the first love we’d experienced meant exchanging distancing methods of communication with connecting methods of communication.  We learned to deliver our thoughts, feelings, concerns and desires with words and attitude that helped us hear each other’s point of view and conveyed the value in which one held the other.
As a result, the love that had nearly died under the scorching onslaught of our anger returned with even greater depth and power than before.
This transformative process is available to anyone who wants it!  I have been teaching these powerful skills in classes and in private coaching sessions for more than 25 years…all the time wishing I had a way to teach thousands of couples rather than just one or a few at a time.
The Millionaire Marriage Club will start in a few short days!  In the Club COURSE, you’ll find brief, easy video lessons that teach you these powerful skills.  The Club GAME will help you painlessly put those new skills into practice.  The Club offers SUPPORT that most people need while making the transformation real in your marriage.
In my next post you’ll learn more about the Millionaire Marriage Club.  You’ll be offered an invitation to a free introductory webinar where you’ll learn a skill that can significantly reduce the number of misunderstandings between you.
Are you feeling a stirring of hope?  Yay! The answers you’ve been seeking are on the way!  
Click this link to receive a free copy of “Communication Methods that Create Distance” and learn how to communicate in a way that creates connection.