Heal the Relationship with Your Child

There is nothing more painful than having a fractured relationship with your child. You desperately want to heal the relationship. What are some ways that work to heal the relationship? and what ways do we frequently try that only make it worse? Responsible parenting...

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Why is it So Hard to Improve Communication Habits?

Changing a bad communication habit into a more respectful one sometimes seems impossible.  It’s as though a little demon lives in your brain blocking every effort to…lose weight; begin an exercise program; stop sniping at your loved ones; stop procrastinating;...

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What Can Gravity Teach us About Relationships?

What Can Gravity Teach us About Relationships? Gravity is Predictable!  So are Relationship Laws! There are natural laws, such as gravity, which we ignore to our peril.  Even if it’s an accident…unintentional…falling...

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Why is Your Love is Dying? A radio interview explains

Show Promo: I am excited to have three interviews booked by Dr. Pat on Transformation Radio covering the three topics that are closest to my heart.  I will be sharing practical solutions learned in my own journey through three of the darkest times we humans can...

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What Clients Are Saying

“Nancy has wonderful insight when it comes to turning a wounded relationship into a healed one. She gave us all the tools, guidance and direction we needed to take our almost completely broken marriage and step family and restructure it into the loving relationship and family we dreamed of. We did not think it was possible, Nancy was our last hope. We both learned that sometimes the way to make a relationship and family flourish isn’t always what our parents showed us growing up. What Nancy shared with us not only transformed our thinking but showed our kids what a respectful loving marriage looks like. We committed to the process, made adjustments, had patience and then witnessed a miracle.”

We both really liked the skills the Millionaire Marriage Club had to offer. We chose to do the self coaching option. With our busy schedules it worked for us. The skills we have learned with the Millionaire Marriage Club have already made a difference in our relationship. It has improved our communication skills with each other significantly in just four months.

My partner and I began the Millionaire Marriage Club and within the first week saw significant results. He and I put in the work to learn to communicate better and that changed our relationship for the better almost instantly.

Nancy; From Childhood to Relationship Coach

Respect is the Fertilizer for Love

How Can I Help Your Relationship With Yourself and Others?

I’m worried about being a “failure.”

We learn new skills by having them modeled for us or taking a class to learn. If you’ve had neither, how could you expect to know what to do? This is a courageous new step in seeking help, not in “failing” something you’ve never learned.

Do I have to do this with my partner?

We can work individually, though most of the time, I’ve found that it isn’t just one person creating the problem. When both people work together, there’s shared understanding, and practice, that makes these skills more effective.

I’m not sure if I’m ready for 1:1 relationship coaching.

I have a host of books, Relationship Rehab Show episodes, and courses to help you find the solutions you’re looking for, whether you desire to grow in your own skills, bond with a partner or heal family or stepfamily dynamics.

Identify your greatest relationship challenge
in 3 Simple Questions

Discover the happy, lasting marriage you’ve always wanted and receive 10 day access to my signature relationship course, Millionaire Marriage Club. Learn new skills to start rebuilding the marriage you hoped for when you said, “I do”!