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Nancy; From Childhood to Relationship Coach
Respect is the Fertilizer for Love
We Are All Addicts!
I recently heard a definition of addiction as any habit that doesn’t support healthy bodies or relationships. Granted, some behaviors/habits are more destructive than others. But the definition is so broad that it includes all of us in one way or another. In effect,...
The Art of Giving Comfort
There's a skill to giving comfort. Comforting may come naturally if you were raised by parents who comforted. My parents took responsible care of their daughters, but neither were very nurturing by nature or habit. I learned to give comfort by observing when I have...
Leaving and Greeting Rituals
Every relationship has times of being together and times of being apart. This is true of most marriages as well as a parent/child relationship. There are times of wanting to be nurtured by closeness and times of needing to pursue individual interests. Leaving and...
Marriage Distortions Block Healthy Marriages
How Do Marriage Distortions Block Healthy Marriages? The first damaging distortion of how marriage distortions block healthy marriages may have its origins in fairy tales. Cinderella wins the heart of the Prince, he pursues her, marries her and they live happily ever...
The Red Plate Legacy
When my two boys were little, I bought a red plate that said, "You are special today." Whenever one had a skinned knee, or a tough day, or their Little League team won a game, or it was their birthday, dinner was served on the Red Plate. As my family grew with the...
Breaking News! Parents Are Anxious!
The Surgeon General's Report Recently the Surgeon General announced his research outcome. BIG NEWS! Parents measure the highest levels of anxiety of any other adult group tested. I felt like saying, "Duh!" Nearly any parent in our culture would laugh that it took a...
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