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Nancy; From Childhood to Relationship Coach

Respect is the Fertilizer for Love

Are You Feeling Illiterate?

Are You Feeling Illiterate?

Feeling Illiteracy Symptoms "Makes me feel some type of way" is a growing trend with young people. That statement gives literally NO information about how this speaker is feeling. What it does reveal is #1, that they are emotionally illiterate, or #2, they're afraid...

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The Second Way to Stop a Fight

The Second Way to Stop a Fight

Course Corrections Based on Feedback In multiple areas, we constantly choose a course correction based on feedback. The bumps in the street remind us to stay in our lane. One key doesn't work so we choose another. I bruise my knee on the sharp edge of a table so I'm...

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The First Way to Stop a Fight

The First Way to Stop a Fight

If you and your partner, (or your child, or anyone) are trying to match wits verbally, chances are it's going downhill fast! Verbal fights tend to escalate and rarely have a satisfactory resolution for either party. If strong emotions are involved like fear, hurt, or...

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Lessons Learned From an Addicted Child

Lessons Learned From an Addicted Child

When the Trouble Begins A child's developmental job in the teen years is to begin thinking for gain confidence in herself. That often means trying on different personas to see if they fit. Going through a phase. Pushing the limits. Challenging the way...

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Your Thoughts May Be Fueling Your Pain

Your Thoughts May Be Fueling Your Pain

Worry is Negative Prayer Somewhere I read that worry is a form of prayer.  Those negative thoughts and feelings use the same energy as prayers said with faith.  We attract into our reality the results of the thoughts and feelings to which we give power....

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Are You REALLY a Victim?

Are You REALLY a Victim?

Are you REALLY a victim? There is no doubt that there are REAL victims. You may be the victim of a crime, the victim of a house fire, the victim of an injury, terrible accident or a devastating financial scam. If that is true for you, it may be helpful to find a good...

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