Episode #52: All You Need for a Happy Lasting Marriage and Family
Nancy Reviews a rich list of valuable resources for personal and relationship health to build happy lasting marriages and families.
“Nancy is phenomenal at bringing people closer. She was able to get to the root of our issues very quickly, and helped us to heal them using not only her decades of knowledge and experience working with couples but also via her Millionaire Marriage program. This program is incredible! Before Nancy we had tried everything we thought ‘should’ help but the distance continued to grow. Through this program, and talking with Nancy each week, we were able to address the root of this issue, and ended up becoming more emotionally, and physically close than we ever had before, even better than the ‘honeymoon phase’!”
“What Nancy teaches is the “HOW” in a marriage. How to talk to one another, how to focus on the present to build a better future, and how to heal our own hearts as individuals so we truly have a deeper connection to ourselves and our partners. The tools that we were given have helped us be better parents for our children, more loving and patient with family members, and more thoughtful leaders in our business. We didn’t have to settle for a “good” or “typical” marriage. We get to have a GREAT marriage that gets better knowing what we know now, to make it great! We truly cannot thank Nancy enough!”
“I saw a major change in my beliefs and made so much personal growth during my time with Nancy that it not only helped my relationship with my partner and family but also my relationship with myself. I am currently learning to build my self-esteem and to love myself and I honestly never thought I would get this far. With Nancy’s guidance through the inner child work, I can say I am coming out of this stronger and mentally healthier than ever before. If I hadn’t had gone to Nancy I would have been stuck in the same rut my whole life. I am so grateful for her and her work.”
Episode #22: Be Anxiety Free for Better Relationships
In this episode, Nancy explains how anxiety adversely affects relationships with self and others and how to eliminate anxiety. Nancy's actionable skills are life changing and don't require learning to meditate.
Episode #21: Cultural and Personal Causes of the High Divorce Rate
Although I believe God intended marriage to be a blessing for both the man and the woman, marriage was often used to cement alliances, preserve wealth, and produce heirs. Most cultures were patriarchal. Women were used as bartering pieces with little regard for their feelings. It was a rare union that was created from love, although there have been famous love stories that stand out through the ages.
Episode #20: How To Talk Without Fighting
We will always have conflict, but we don't have to fight. Nancy delivers communication skills to resolve conflicts respectfully, heal the relationship and build a happy lasting marriage.
Episode #19: Change Beliefs to Change Your Life
Nancy shares how to change beliefs on a conscious level. Her guest Mollie Billings shares about her profession that helps release the hold of old beliefs on the unconscious level.
Episode #18: Beliefs Dictate the Destination
Our beliefs, whether conscious or buried in the unconscious, to a large degree determine our current circumstances. So how can you evaluate and replace beliefs that aren’t working for you?
Episode #17: Parenting in a Stepfamily
Kip and Wendy Sykes share their journey with seven teenagers in their stepfamily and how they implemented successful parenting techniques that worked.
Episode #16: Stepfamilies Are Different!
The unique dynamics in a stepfamily require different strategies for success than those that work for a nuclear or first family.
Episode #15: Unique Journeys of Personal Growth
God or the Universe custom designs our circumstances whose purpose is to give us opportunities for personal growth.
Episode #14: Rules to a Good Time
Some couples stop fighting because they’re worn out and neither can think of anything else to say. They retire to their respective corners of the house and just hibernate, hoping the hurt feelings will pass quickly. Usually, it takes days…
Episode #13: Healthy, Respectful Conflict Management
Anger is useful. Anger lets us know when it’s me to make a change in how we do things…when it’s me to take ac on either on our own behalf or on behalf of another. But taking ac on when you’re filled with anger may create choices that you later regret.
Learn More About Your Communication Style And What You Need To Repair Most In Your Relationship By Answering Three Simple Questions
Discover how you can have the satisfying relationship you’ve always wanted. Plus, unlock free 10-day access to the first module of my signature relationship course, Millionaire Marriage Club, and extra tips from me so you can start rebuilding the marriage you hoped for when you said, “I do”!