Ken and Kim had been having the same fight, over and over again, for thirty years.  Can you relate?  He does (or doesn’t do) something, she says…., he reacts defensively, she brings up previous examples of how he’s failed her, he counters with accusations of her “stuff…”  It goes downhill from there with both parties repeating their memorized roles to perfection.
Last Fall Ken and Kim decided to take a chance.  They enrolled in the Millionaire Marriage Club including coaching with me.  Click on this link to hear how they’re doing today:  Ken and Kim’s Update
The Millionaire Marriage Club is an online course teaching the communication skills that have enriched and even saved thousands of marriages.  It is supplemented by e-chapters from the book that my late husband and I wrote entitled, How to Stay Married & Love It! Solving the Puzzle of a SoulMate Marriage.
Choosing the package that includes coaching with me multiplies the effectiveness of learning, practicing and finally turning these new skills into lifelong habits.  When asked, clients have said that the Club and book information totaled about 30% of the value with my coaching making up the other 70%.
Schedule a call today so we can meet for an initial, complementary appointment to see if this option is right for you.  I coach clients in person and also as far away as Australia or Canada using an online program called   Access Nancy’s Calendar
I look forward to speaking with you!

(OR call me at 714-931-3910)