A few months ago my team and I decided to host a TEDxMurrieta event in Murrieta, CA! It’s been quite an adventure! The TED organization grants a license to a volunteer passionate about bringing the TED experience to the local community. The requirements for earning a license are quite extensive and demanding, so we are fortunate to have met their requirements.
What is TED?
TED is a non-profit organization that believes powerful ideas, powerfully presented, move us to feel something, to think differently, to take action. What TED does: Champion ideas through live events around the world and advance ideas through free original content. TED stands for Technology, Education and Design. TED was born in 1984 out of Richard Saul Wurman’s inspiration.
TED Talks are videos that present a great idea in 18 minutes or less. TEDx is a mini TED event hosted in communities all over the world by volunteers who want to bring the TED experience to their community. TED must license anyone hosting a TEDx event and that event must follow TED’s guidelines for topics, video quality, etc. The TEDx videos are reviewed by TED and if approved, are posted on TED’s You-tube channel for viewers to enjoy all over the world. TEDx events are a not-for-profit event. The ticket sales cover the costs of a professional videographer and other expenses.

Wednesday, February 5 from 1-5 p.m. at the Hampton Inn & Suites,
25140 Hancock Avenue, Murrieta, CA 92562
There are a limited number of seats for TEDxMurrieta at $75 per person plus Eventbrite fees (total $81.88)
CLICK HERE to purchase tickets
Yes! Click HERE to apply to be a sposor!
We have an outstanding array of professionals at TEDxMurrieta speaking on topics about which they are passionate and knowledgeable. I know each of them personally and can vouch for their character and the exciting content of their talks!
Turning a Crisis Into Abundance

Jesse Ferrell is an entertaining, inspiring keynote speaker and master success coach. He’s speaking about a personal experience he and his wife had when the pandemic hit. It changed their lives and their business! Sounds like something that may interest everyone!
Functional Medicine: Treating the Cause, Not Just the Symptoms
Dr. Michael Bell, DC, DACBN is Board Certified in Clinical Nutrition and a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. I have been the happy recipient of his expertise. According to my blood work, I am actually getting younger, not older!

How Addiction Can Mend Fractured Relationships

Brenda Zane is a family advocate and co-founder of the nonprofit otganization, Hopestream. She tells a deeply moving story of what led her to the work of serving parents whose children struggle with substance misuse and mental health issues. I wish I’d had the breadth of support her organization offers when my son Steven was struggling with drug addiction.
Untapped Inner Wisdom: The Key to Healing
Klia Bassing, MBA, MPP is a world-class Master Guide to Inner Wisdom. I have personally benefitted from her wisdom. She is an angel on earth, sent to personally help professionals who suffer from emotional eating.

Every Marriage Leaves a Legacy
Taylor Anderson is a young dynamo, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She is passionate about educating couples so they are equiped to enjoy a loving, lasting marriage. You won’t want to miss her take on legacies!

Simple Skills Stopped the Fighting & Revived Our Love!

Ryan and Nasim Myers are going to entertain and inspire you with their amazing story. This is a true, realtime, local love story you won’t want to miss! It could be made into a Hollywood Blockbuster!
Healthy Marriages are the Foundation of a Healthier Country
Rabbi Yitzi Weiner is the Editor-in-Chief of Authority Magazine with a monthly readership of over 30 million! His goal in founding this online mega-magazine was to only publish positive, uplifting news. He has a uniquely global view of marriage and national issues.

Every speaker is bringing their unique genius to this event. If you can be there, I promise you will leave energized and inspired!
You can learn the speakers’ full resumes at www.TEDxMurrieta.com
See you there!