No One Escapes Crucible Seasons!
Definition of Crucible A situation of severe trial, or a process in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new. A physical crucible is used to separate slag from metal to produce pure gold, for instance. Or turn iron into steel....
So You Hate Conflict!
It is Possible to Lose your Fear of Conflict! Why Does Conflict Hurt So Much? The language of conflict is nearly always disrespectful...attacking. Most conflicts destroy one of our most basic be heard and understood. Many conflicts damage a relationship...
Being Yourself is Perfect!
From birth we all have multiple voices telling us how to be, what to do, what is expected, and the deadly, what is “normal.” Our parents, our siblings, our teachers, our culture…all contribute to the cacophony of noise from which we are to piece together a life...
Addiction Speaks!
Take the Mystery Out of Addictions We all have addictions. Fortunately most of them are small and harmless. Harmful addictions are those that damage our physical, financial or relationship health. The classic harmful addictions are drugs, alcohol, over-spending,...
I’m Inviting You…Are You Interested?
Step-by-Step Relationship Rehab in Small Groups You know your marriage needs help. There are solutions you've tried, but fallen short of what you both desire. Maybe you've had a comp appointment with me but can't afford to see me privately. Maybe you've tried other...
What Do Teenagers Really Need?
Childhood to Adulthood is a Huge Challenge There's no doubt that for many of us, the change from childhood to adulthood was confusing and difficult. It's challenging from the kids' point of view, and sometimes even more challenging from the parents' point of view! A...
What Clients Are Saying
Nancy; From Childhood to Relationship Coach
Respect is the Fertilizer for Love
How Can I Help Your Relationship With Yourself and Others?
I’m worried about being a “failure.”
We learn new skills by having them modeled for us or taking a class to learn. If you’ve had neither, how could you expect to know what to do? This is a courageous new step in seeking help, not in “failing” something you’ve never learned.
Do I have to do this with my partner?
We can work individually, though most of the time, I’ve found that it isn’t just one person creating the problem. When both people work together, there’s shared understanding, and practice, that makes these skills more effective.
I’m not sure if I’m ready for 1:1 relationship coaching.
I have a host of books, Relationship Rehab Show episodes, and courses to help you find the solutions you’re looking for, whether you desire to grow in your own skills, bond with a partner or heal family or stepfamily dynamics.
Identify your greatest relationship challenge
in 3 Simple Questions
Discover the happy, lasting marriage you’ve always wanted and receive 10 day access to my signature relationship course, Millionaire Marriage Club. Learn new skills to start rebuilding the marriage you hoped for when you said, “I do”!