Emotional Healing
Toheal from emotional wounds takes being heard, understood and the pain validated as real.
Emotional Labor or Codependency?
What is Emotional Labor? Emotional Labor is a new buzz word that means energy spent for the good of another. Is Emotional Labor the same as Codependency? Traditionally, women are more "trained" to expend energy on behalf of others. That's why there are more women in...
Will You Be Victims of Gray Divorce?
Gray Divorce is a relatively new term that applies to couples who divorce after twenty or more years of marriage. The crisis may arise when the children grow up. An empty nest signifies the absence of shared responsibilities that keep them functioning as a team. With...
Coaching is Not Therapy
Mental Health Therapy is a Broad Term and Somewhat Hard to Define. Mental health conditions that need therapy are feeling states that make functioning in your job or your relationship difficult. That may include depression, excessive anxiety, or more extreme...
Unhappiness is a Hard Habit to Break
Chronically seeing the glass half empty is a thought habit. Negativity toward people or ideas is also a feeling habit. Among other things, habits create our level of happiness. Change habits to increase happiness! Our Brain's Job is to Follow Habits Maintaining habits...
Parenting for Personal Growth
What is the goal of good parenting? Every child begins life totally dependent on us for loving attention to his or her needs. Without a responsible, loving parent, a child would die from lack of food, shelter, clothing and loving touches. That phase passes into...
What Clients Are Saying
Nancy; From Childhood to Relationship Coach
Respect is the Fertilizer for Love
How Can I Help Your Relationship With Yourself and Others?
I’m worried about being a “failure.”
We learn new skills by having them modeled for us or taking a class to learn. If you’ve had neither, how could you expect to know what to do? This is a courageous new step in seeking help, not in “failing” something you’ve never learned.
Do I have to do this with my partner?
We can work individually, though most of the time, I’ve found that it isn’t just one person creating the problem. When both people work together, there’s shared understanding, and practice, that makes these skills more effective.
I’m not sure if I’m ready for 1:1 relationship coaching.
I have a host of books, Relationship Rehab Show episodes, and courses to help you find the solutions you’re looking for, whether you desire to grow in your own skills, bond with a partner or heal family or stepfamily dynamics.
Identify your greatest relationship challenge
in 3 Simple Questions
Discover the happy, lasting marriage you’ve always wanted and receive 10 day access to my signature relationship course, Millionaire Marriage Club. Learn new skills to start rebuilding the marriage you hoped for when you said, “I do”!