
The Radical Gratitude Challenge: Week #3

Never Enough? or Abundance? This is Week #3 of my Radical Gratitude Challenge.  We’re going to talk about how easy it is to think in terms of “never enough!” He doesn’t love me enough!  She isn’t fun enough! We don’t go out enough! ...

The Radical Gratitude Challenge: Week #1

We are six weeks away from our Thanksgiving holiday.  These six weeks could change your life and your marriage forever!  But first a little history… Every school play reenacts the first harvest celebration in 1621.  More than 200 years later, in 1863, President...

Our Dirty, Ugly Secret…

“To others we look good.  We have good jobs.  Our children are reasonably well behaved.  We live in a decent neighborhood.  We even attend church regularly.  We are clean, hair styled, clothes presentable.  We look like–and have even been told–we are...

#4: What is Your Marriage Bank Balance?!

If you were to assign a dollar value to your marriage, what would it be?  A Million bucks?  A comfortable, but not great one hundred thousand? Ten thousand, meaning your only a few months away from insolvency?  Or are you in the red…out of energy, out of love,...