

Millionaire Marriage Club

A self-paced digital course to help you rediscover the love you know is there and truly build the healthy relationship you hoped for when you fell in love.

What is a Million-Dollar Marriage?

A Million-Dollar Marriage is one in which both partners experience safety, support, and room to grow, while giving and receiving love, respect and affection.

You’ll learn simple, practical, doable skills that enable you to create and sustain the happy, healthy, loving, lasting marriage you hoped for when you said, “I do.”


You have the ability to create a happy, lasting relationship… you just need proven tools to help you on your journey.

You may be reading this and feeling deeply unhappy, hurt and like the love between yourself and your partner is eroding.

The wasted time, energy and resources are stacking up, along with the resentments, arguments and silences. All these barricades between you and your partner make it seem like nothing will work.

I know because my late husband, Jim, and I had one fight, but we had it over and over. It’s painful to be in conflict with someone you love. Yet we couldn’t resolve these frequent and quickly-escalating conflicts.

We were desperate to learn how to talk and resolve our issue without fighting.

Since we discovered that answer, we’ve helped countless couples resolve their differences and create Million-Dollar Marriages.

Want Free Access to Module 1 of Millionaire Marriage Club?

Let’s find out what you need most to repair your relationship. When you take this simple 3-question assessment, you’ll see how you can have the satisfying relationship you’ve always wanted.

Plus, unlock free 10-day access to Millionaire Marriage Club Module 1 and extra tips from me to address your primary marriage struggle so you can start today to rebuild the marriage you hoped for when you said, “I do!”

Hi, I’m Nancy Landrum, MA in Spiritual Psychology; Author; Relationship Coach and Creator of Millionaire Marriage Club.

I help individuals, couples and families heal their relationships in deep, meaningful and life-changing ways.

I am committed to effective coaching and practical resources because I’ve walked in your shoes. I’ve been in the depths of despair when my late husband and I were fighting for a relationship characterized by frequent fighting.

Divorce was once threatened. We yelled at each other, cried tears of anger and begged God for help. We saw counselors, read books and went to marriage workshops…all without finding the practical tools we needed.

When we finally found a coach who taught us simple communication and conflict management skills, we experienced immediate relief.

Now, I teach couples these same practical skills and habits that enable them to have happy, lasting marriages, as well.

Want extra support throughout the Millionaire Marriage Club digital course? You can add 1:1 Support Sessions with me or one of my coaches anytime during the course (you’ll get exclusive access to the sign-up links in your course portal once you register)

Whether your marriage is “good” and could be better or it’s on the verge of collapse, communication is everything.

When you finally know how to respectfully communicate with your partner, you’ll grow emotionally and physically closer and truly heal your relationship.


  • You wake up every day feeling heard, supported and content with your partner because together you’ve created a loving haven for your family.
  • Your most difficult conversations end in a kiss and saying, “I love you,” because you have learned how to communicate your feelings without fighting and resolve conflicts in a respectful, peaceful, supportive way.
  • You’re happier than you ever have been because you and your partner have understood how to let go of resentment, bitterness, anger and hurt to repair the love that is still there deep down.
  • Your relationships with everyone have grown stronger because you have tools to communicate with respect, and you’ve grown as an individual.

Want extra support throughout the Millionaire Marriage Club digital course? You can add 1:1 Support Sessions with me or one of my coaches anytime during the course (you’ll get exclusive access to the sign-up links in your course portal once you register).

Experience the love and contentment of reclaiming your relationship, restoring great communication and recommitting to a lifetime of happiness and healthy togetherness with Millionaire Marriage Club.

A self-paced digital course to help you create a Million-Dollar Marriage for a transformed, loving relationship that’s even better than you ever thought possible.

Rediscover the love you know is there and truly build the healthy relationship you hoped for when you fell in love.

What Clients Are Saying

“We both really liked the skills the Millionaire Marriage Club had to offer. We chose to do the self-coaching option. With our busy schedules it worked for us. The skills we have learned with the Millionaire Marriage Club have already made a difference in our relationship. It has improved our communication with each other significantly in just four months. These are tools that can be used to improve communication with anyone.”

“She was able to get to the root of our issues very quickly, and helped us to heal them using not only her decades of knowledge and experience working with couples but also via her Millionaire Marriage program. This program is incredible! She was able to get to the root of our issues very quickly, and helped us to heal them using not only her decades of knowledge and experience working with couples but also via her Millionaire Marriage program. This program is incredible!”

“Our blended family had hit a block wall. We learned effective communication skills with each other and with our adult children. In fact, her lessons have taught us to listen and communicate with not only with our family, but with everyone we meet in our daily life!”


Answer these 3, simple questions to discover what change will make the biggest impact in your life so you can have the healthy relationship you’ve always wanted.

Plus, unlock free 10-day access to the Millionaire Marriage Club Module 1 and extra tips from me to address your primary marriage struggle so you can start today to rebuild the marriage you hoped for when you said, “I do!”

What Clients Are Saying

“The Millionaire Marriage Club taught us to communicate properly thru skilled discussions and perception checking. It was difficult because pushing away one’s ego is inherently difficult. Today, we are better equipped to converse about issues in a loving and respectful manner. Our relationship now feels more loving than ever. A skilled discussion per week helps keep the lines of communication open, which paves the way to being less afraid of conflict and becoming more in tune with each other.”

“Nancy helped us learn how to communicate lovingly in all situations. By practicing what we learned, even the hardest conversations end with “I love you” and a kiss! Nancy’s coaching has been invaluable to us gaining the confidence that we really can have the marriage we both want.”


You’ll receive instant access to the full relationship skills course guiding you through new skills, fun exercises and a priceless expression of love that was dreamed of when you first said, “I do.”

  • 19 on-demand video lessons plus audio downloads for each lesson to learn together on-the-go
  • Tools for expanded learning like study guides, worksheets and digital chapters from my best-selling book, How to Stay Married & Love It: Solving The Puzzle of a SoulMate Marriage
  • Weekly Game Pages and a playbook with clear, step-by-step guidance to help you successfully put the skills you’re learning into practice
  • A private Facebook Group for support
  • The option to add on a 1:1 coaching appointment with me or one of my certified coaches if you get stuck with a particular skill
  • Unlimited access to revisit, review and refine these skills until they become your new normal

Learn the skills needed to heal your relationship and create a sustainable, satisfying marriage.

What Clients Are Saying

“While Katie & I were in conflict this past week and were both “possessed” by our inner two-year-olds, we managed to put that rubbish aside and work through our conflicts! It was very painful for us both, but we did it, thank God, and its heart warming and reassuring that we can manage and navigate out of them back into a healthy state!”

“James and I are doing great. We treat each other with more respect. We are much more aware of how we say things to one another. We are positive with each other and do not beat each other up by words or how we use them when approaching each other. We really try hard to remember things don’t always appear the same to the other sometimes and that is okay, but to try to see both ways. We work very hard as a team for our family which I think really benefits us all, including the children. We have both taken what we learned and apply it daily.”

How can you have the most loving, patient marriage of your dreams?

Answer these 3, simple questions to discover what will make the biggest impact in your life so you can have the healthy relationship you’ve always wanted.

Plus, unlock free 10-day access to the Millionaire Marriage Club Module 1 and extra tips from me to address your primary marriage struggle so you can start today to rebuild the marriage you hoped for when you said, “I do!”


Do I have to be wealthy or a millionaire to participate in this course?

Absolutely not! A Million-Dollar Marriage is a feeling, not a description of your net worth. This course will help you create a marriage that feels like a million dollars, one that is even better than you ever could have dreamed of, one you hoped you’d have when you said, “I do”.

What is a Million-Dollar Marriage?

A Million-Dollar Marriage is one in which both partners experience safety, support and room to grow, while giving and receiving love, respect and affection. When you and your partner came together, you created a third, living entity between you that needs to be nurtured in order to thrive.

The goal of Millionaire Marriage Club is to create a safe zone in your marriage where you may heal from past wounds and grow as individuals while experiencing the joy of loving and being loved.

You’ll learn simple, practical, doable skills that enable you to create and sustain a happy, healthy, loving, lasting marriage you hoped for when you said “I do.”

What if our marriage isn’t “bad” but we know it could be much better?

I have worked with countless couples who have expressed the same thing. They loved each other and good days were good, but there was still a wedge between their hearts that made their relationship tense and strained.

Whether you’re on the brink of divorce or have mostly good days in your marriage, learning these simple yet incredibly impactful communication skills will allow you to resolve issues as they arise and become more in tune with your partner so you can have a happy relationship, a healthy home and a sense of belonging and togetherness.

What’s the difference between this and all the other marriage and communication courses out there?

With over 25 years of experience helping individuals, couples and families heal their relationships in deep, meaningful and life-changing ways, plus my personal experience and growth with my late husband, Jim, I have created this course to go beyond telling you what to do so you can really learn these critical communication skills and practice the skills so you know HOW to do it in your marriage.

Rather than short-term, bandaid solutions, I’m committed to helping couples heal from past wounds. I’ve experienced the joy of reigniting the love and commitment that gave Jim and I the healthy, lasting marriage we wanted.

I do what I do so other couples can experience the love and fulfillment of reclaiming their relationship, restoring great communication and recommitting to a lifetime of happiness and healthy togetherness.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes, there is. Enjoy lifetime use of the Millionaire Marriage Club course with two monthly payments of $599 each. Click here to enroll with installment payments.

Do you offer refunds?

With the instant access and digital nature of this course, and also because it’s important that all of your energy go into this transformational process, I have a strict no refund policy.

I’m not sure this is for me and my partner. Can I test it out?

Yes, you can. First, click here to take this simple 3-question assessment to see how you can have the healthy relationship you’ve always wanted. You’ll unlock the first module of the Millionaire Marriage Club for 10 days so you can see how it can work for you, plus extra tips from me to address your primary marriage struggle and start today to rebuild the marriage you hoped for when you said, “I do!”

I think we might want more support from Nancy as we work on our relationship. Can we work directly with Nancy for additional guidance as we build our Million-Dollar Marriage?

Absolutely! I am committed to effective coaching and practical resources because I’ve walked in your shoes. My coaches and I do what we do each and every day so that individuals and couples can experience the love and fulfillment of reclaiming their relationship, rebuilding their communication, and recommitting to a lifetime of happiness and healthy togetherness.

If you want extra support throughout the Millionaire Marriage Club digital course, you can add 1:1 Support Sessions with me or one of my coaches anytime during the course (you’ll get exclusive access to the sign-up links in your course portal once you register).

Or to learn more about and inquire about private coaching options, please click here to directly contact Nancy.

I’m looking for guidance in one specific area of my relationship. How can you help me?

I do offer mini-courses that will help you learn skills and resolve specific areas of conflict in your relationship. They are as follows:

Communication: A Mini-Course – Learn essential skills for communication for deeper intimacy and empathy. Receive the three core modules of Millionaire Marriage Club so you can learn to talk without fighting: Speaking to be Heard, Listening to Understand and Skilled Discussions. Click here for unlimited access for $597.

Respect 24/7: A Mini-Course – Discover powerful skills to manage strong emotions that lead to hurtful words, resentment and regret. Respect 24/7 guides you through safely and simply managing strong emotions. Click here for unlimited access for $297.

Loving and Feeling Loved: A Mini-Course – Express daily appreciation and adopt thoughtful habits that keep your relationship in a constant cycle of loving and being loved with these nurturing behaviors. Click here for unlimited access for $197.

I still have a question, but it isn't answered here.

I’m happy to help you find an answer to your questions to make you feel comfortable investing in Millionaire Marriage Club. Send me an email to get started at:

What Clients Are Saying

“She was able to get to the root of our issues very quickly, and helped us to heal them using not only her decades of knowledge and experience working with couples but also via her Millionaire Marriage program. This program is incredible! She was able to get to the root of our issues very quickly, and helped us to heal them using not only her decades of knowledge and experience working with couples but also via her Millionaire Marriage program. This program is incredible!”

“The Millionaire Marriage Club taught us to communicate properly thru skilled discussions and perception checking. It was difficult because pushing away one’s ego is inherently difficult. Today, we are better equipped to converse about issues in a loving and respectful manner. Our relationship now feels more loving than ever. A skilled discussion per week helps keep the lines of communication open, which paves the way to being less afraid of conflict and becoming more in tune with each other.”

Love and commitment isn’t all it takes.

You know you have a deep love and you’re willing to put in the work. You have good days, but you may also have mountains of distance between you and your partner.

To have a supportive, healthy marriage, you need to learn how to effectively communicate. Then, combine that with daily practice so you can resolve conflicts, respect each other and talk without fighting for a Million-Dollar Marriage that’s happier, more loving and sustainable for a lifetime.

Let me guide you through discovering these tools to make it the Million-Dollar Marriage you hoped you’d have when you said, “I do.”

Millionaire Marriage Club

Learn the skills needed to heal and transform your relationship from the brink of divorce to better than the honeymoon phase.

A self-paced digital course to help you create a Million-Dollar Marriage for a transformed, loving relationship that’s even better than you ever thought possible through:


  • Loving habits like how to express daily appreciations and affection
  • Learning how to give your love in the other’s love language
  • The skill of listening to each other with the intention to understand the other’s viewpoint
  • Choosing to deliver your message in ways that are easy to hear and understand
  • Learning how to have a Skilled Discussion, to talk about anything without fighting
  • Effective anger management skills so that you maintain respect 24/7
  • Uncovering and replacing faulty beliefs with positive to support a healthy lifetime relationship
  • A problem solving skill to resolve any issue with a plan that meets both person’s needs

Want extra support throughout the Millionaire Marriage Club digital course? You can add 1:1 Support Sessions with me or one of my coaches anytime during the course (you’ll get exclusive access to the sign-up links in your course portal once you register)

PS: Are you not sure if Millionaire Marriage Club is for you?

Take this simple 3-question assessment to see how you can have the healthy relationship you’ve always wanted.

Plus, unlock free 10-day access to the Millionaire Marriage Club Module 1 and extra tips from me to address your primary marriage struggle so you can start today to rebuild the marriage you hoped for when you said, “I do!”